What’s IPA Project?
The EU established a new financial aid system in 2007 to provide efficient resource transfer to candidate or potential candidate countries. This system was also called IPA (Instrument for Preaccession Assistance). The first phase of this financial cooperation, which constitutes an important dimension of Turkey-EU relations, was implemented under IPA I in 2007-2013.
The main objective of the assistance provided under the IPA, the management of the Community’s cohesion policy and the preparation of the application providing the candidates and to contribute to potential candidate countries, it is them will be introduced upon accession to prepare for the structural funds administration and therefore provide support in preparation for the EU membership of these countries.
For this purpose, serving the needs and priorities of the candidate countries towards accession to the EU under the IPA projects are supported. The financial assistance provided through the projects is aimed at harmonization with the EU and the establishment of the administrative capacity for this harmonization. However, projects aimed at ensuring economic and social cohesion (regional development, agricultural and rural development, cross-border co-operation and SME projects) are increasing day by day in financial assistance.